22/02/2014 LOTTO symposium 'Optimizing Exercise Performance'
LOTTO Symposium: 'Optimizing Exercise Performance'
When? 22/02/2014
Place: Vrije Universiteit Brussel: Pleinlaan 2, 1050 Etterbeek. Brussels, Belgium.
Auditorium Q
Via mail to Kevin.de.pauw@vub.ac.be with the subject 'Participation Lotto symposium'.
Registration Fee:
Early registration before or on 15th January 2014: € 80
Late registration after 15th January 2014: € 100
Student: € 30
Account: BE51 0010 6864 5562 (BIC: GEBA BEBB)
Mention: CONI455MFYSINK6 + Name participant
Abstract Submission
Closes on January 15th at midnight
Abstract submission guidelines:
contact Kevin.De.Pauw@vub.ac.be
Dpt Human Physiology – Human Performance Lab
Faculty LK – VUB
Pleinlaan 2, 1050 Etterbeek
Contact: 02/629 27 53
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