Bienvenue à MFYS

Nous sommes un laboratoire pour l'exercice et du sport basé à Bruxelles.


21 2015


'The Human Engine'

Further lectures of Prof. dr. Luc van Loon @ the VUB:

Monday 2nd of March: Exercise Metabolism

• 9.30 am - 11.30 am: Sports Nutrition to modulate fuel selection | Room L2.10
• 1 pm - 3 pm: Sports Nutrition to improve recovery after exercise | Room L2.10

Monday 20th of April: Protein Metabolism
• 9.30 am - 11.30 am: Regulation of muscle mass maintenance | Room L2.10
• 1 pm - 3 pm: Muscle loss with ageing | Room L2.10

FRIDAY 15/05/2015 2-4 PM- Exercise and chronic metabolic disease
• 1 pm - 3 pm: Exercise in the prevention and treatment of type 2 diabetes | Room L2.10

Registration is possible till the 5th of February
via the registration form at the webpage

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